Yak - Saving lives

Dear Friends and Sangha,

These rare and magnificent animals can live out their lives in peace, while helping to provide economic support to a Tibetan family.

Indigenous to the Tibetan Plateau, yaks are intricately woven into the fabric of Tibetan culture, prized for their strength and majesty as well as their milk, hair, meat and dung.

Khenpo Ngaga Rinpoche, a great spiritual master in eastern Tibet, has started a project to save the lives of yaks that would otherwise be slaughtered.

So far, more than 40,000 have been saved. At a time of encroaching modernity, keeping yaks roaming free in the highlands is crucial for helping preserve the unique traditions of the nomadic Tibetan families who own them.

Yak herders wishing to support this saving lives program offer Tromge Jigme Rinpoche a yak at a greatly reduced price.

  • The yak is blessed and prayed for, marked on the ear to signify that it has been ransomed from slaughter, and given to a nomadic Tibetan family.
  • The adoptive family pledges to Rinpoche to never kill or use the yak as a beast of burden; however, they can use the hair and milk for themselves and/or to sell, for years to come.

In Tibetan culture, such pledges are regarded very seriously, so this is a true commitment to the safety and well-being of the animal.

You can offer as little as $10 to be part of this program; a gift of $92 ransoms one yak.

You can arrange payment by mailing a check or using our secure online payment system.

Checks should be made out to 'Mahakaruna Foundation'. Please include a note telling us to which program(s) you would like your offering applied and also all the relevant details.

Please mail to Mahakaruna Foundation, P.O. Box 83, Cazadero, CA 95421.

If you would like to pay with a credi card please follow this link below to contribute.