Individual Support

Whether a one-time gift, or a pledge for monthly support, fully 92% of your offering reaches the person(s) or project(s) chosen, as our staff works as volunteers. The other 8% helps to cover miscellaneous operating costs.

All individuals selected for support by the Mahakaruna Foundation are carefully screened by Mahakaruna's director and associates in Asia, so as to ensure their need is genuine.

As little as US$20 a month supports the activities of accomplished teachers, nuns, lay persons or students, allowing them to continue their practices or studies.

The Mahakaruna Foundation provides a wonderful opportunity to create tremendous benefit for others by sharing our personal good fortune.

One-time gifts of any amount, as well as annual or longer-term sponsorships, are greatly needed and sincerely appreciated.

You can arrange payment by mailing a check or using our secure online payment system.


Checks should be made out to 'Mahakaruna Foundation'. Please include a note telling us to which program(s) you would like your offering applied and also all the relevant details.

Please mail to

Mahakaruna Foundation
P.O. Box 83
Cazadero, CA