Project Support

Mahakaruna Foundation supports Buddhist education programs at various institutes in Asia.
Many of the monasteries have long histories, and today they continue their programs of religious arts and education.
Physical conditions can be very challenging, especially in winter, even in big cities, and there is an ongoing need for sponsorship of basics such as food, housing, robes and texts.
All donations are greatly appreciated, regardless of amount.
Like scholarship, realization gained in meditation retreat is an essential element of the Buddhist path.
The designated retreat space in monasteries is called a 'drubdra' (place of accomplishment) and traditionally retreats run for at least three years, with closed boundaries, and practices under the direction of a retreat master who offers teachings and guidance.
An offering of at least $20 per month will help to clothe and feed a retreatant sponsored by Mahakaruna.
You can arrange payment by mailing a check or using our secure online payment system.
Checks should be made out to 'Mahakaruna Foundation'. Please include a note telling us to which program(s) you would like your offering applied and also all the relevant details.
Please mail to
Mahakaruna Foundation
P.O. Box 83
Cazadero, CA